Humanitas - Acrylic, oil paint, spray paint, and fabric on canvas. 60 x 48 in. 2019.

Summer Light - Oil and Gouache paint on paper. 18 x 24 in. 2019.
Boise Visual Chronicle, Permanent Collection.

A Portrait of the Artist as a Trickstero - Charcoal, acrylic, and oil paint on paper. 58 x 42 in. 2019.

Error and Ignorance - Acrylic, markers, and ballpoint pen on paper. 18 x 24 in. 2019.

Established Pattern of Knowing - Acrylic, markers, and collage on paper. 18 x 24. 2019

Study of the Self - Oil paint and fabric on canvas. 22 x 30 in. 2019.